In Washington State the neighbor is not liable for damage caused by his tree. So there it is. Our insurance will cover the tree removal at least but not the studio rebuild.
My friend Ellen to the rescue. She started a Go Fund Me campaign called "Rebuild Steph's Studio" to help with the repairs. Such a good friend. It was hard for me to ask for help but I realize it's good to make room for others to be generous and good for me to learn to graciously accept help. I am so moved by all the kindness and support.
Now that the tree has been removed and the building tarped, it should be nice and dry while we wait for the builders to fix the damage. The tree broke through seven roof trusses and a wall.
Funny how not being able to get in and work in the studio really, really makes me want to get in and work in the studio. There are probably easier ways to get motivated.
So, that's the sad story. It is giving me time to think about what's really important to me. Maybe something new and wonderful will come of this, you never know.